Saturday, December 1, 2012

Save Yourselves

Hello again,
     I am pleased to introduce to you this month's guest writer, Sister Darcy Abbott.She is married to the Elder David Abbott. They have 5 children and 8 grandchildren. They pastored in Scottsdale, Arizona for 29 years and are now evangelizing. Sis. Abbott is available to speak to ladies groups. They have written and recorded many songs through the years, many of which have been a blessing to me. And now, Sister Abbott...

     On the day of Pentecost the Apostle Peter preached the message of salvation in Acts 2:38 & 39. The very next verse says,
And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves
from this untoward generation. Acts 2:40
     Matthew Henry commentary says, “Partake not with them in their sins, that you share not in them with their plagues. To separate ourselves from wicked people is the only way to save ourselves from them.”
     My preacher husband gave me the definition for the word “untoward – walking away from God…”
Gen. 1:1 says:
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Colossians 1:16 says:
For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth,
visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities,
or powers: all things were created by him , and for him:
And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.
The fact is that IT’S ALL ABOUT GOD. Everything was made by Him and for Him. Our whole lives should be wrapped up in pleasing our Creator.
     If ever we lived in an “untoward” generation it is now. This generation is walking away from God, and the Apostle Peter warned us about it the very first day that the church was born. I believe that God is not only concerned about our destination (heaven or hell), but also about our direction. Are you walking toward the Lord, or walking away from Him? This article is to strengthen us in the area of modesty. Are your necklines inching lower? Are your hemlines inching higher? Are your sleeve lengths getting shorter? Are your clothes getting tighter? Which direction are you walking? Are you getting closer to God, or getting closer to the world? The Apostle Peter said, save yourselves from this untoward generation.
     We are commanded in the Word of God to be “holy.”
Lev. 19:2 says:
Speak unto all the congregation of the children of Israel, and say unto them,
Ye shall be holy: for I the LORD your God am holy.
I Peter 1:15-16 says:
But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;
(16) Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.
      There is only One who is holy and that is the Lord our God. He is the standard. He Is holy; however, he also commands us to be holy. Part of the definition of  Holiness is… something set apart, consecrated or separated, for a sacred purpose. The automatic by-product of being separated from something is to be separated to something else. If a person is separated from the world, it allows them to be separated to God.
     In the Garden of Eden, we see the concept of separation. Adam and Eve were told that they could eat of all of the trees of the garden except one, and that was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Notice that it was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Everything was perfect in the garden. Adam and Eve had the perfect marital relationship. Adam loved Eve and  Eve loved Adam. Every emotional need was met between them. They had a beautiful garden to live in. God came and walked with them every day in the evening time. They had a perfect relationship with God. Everyone felt fulfilled, even God. Remember, we were created by him and for him.
As you know, one day Eve listened to the devil and ate the forbidden fruit, then she gave it to Adam and he ate also. Suddenly they felt brand new feelings… guilt… shame…and fear. Everything changed for them in that moment. Now they would not only know good, but they would also know evil. They now felt shame and hid from God. When God came walking later that evening, He asked them why they were hiding. Had they eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? To Eve’s horror, she hears Adam blame her before God. Adam blamed her!…he had never blamed her for anything before, but things are different now. Evil has been added to their existence. What a terrible day that was. Not only had evil been added to their existence, but because God is holy, He had to separate himself from them. Of all of the pain that they experienced that day, that had to be the worst. God’s presence had given them security… and joy…. and peace… and love. It must have felt like a scary world when God left.
     When we were evangelizing many years ago, my husband overheard a visiting woman telling the pastor how much she had enjoyed the service that night. She said, “I just love coming to this church. I feel God’s presence so strong here. If you just wouldn’t preach some of the things that you preach against, I would come to church here all of the time.” My husband wanted to say, “yes, and if he quit preaching the things that you are talking about, God’s presence wouldn’t be here anymore.”
     You see, holiness is not intended to restrict us, but rather free us from the things of this world that separate us from God. Holiness is what allows us to have fellowship and relationship with God. Without it, we are incompatible with the presence of God.
     We cannot be good enough to save ourselves, only God is truly holy: but when we have received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and have been baptized in Jesus name, we are covered with His blood. When we are covered with His blood, His holiness is transferred to us and He considers us holy.
     I love the story in the Old Testament when Balak the king tried to get Balaam to curse Israel. In Numbers 23:21 Balaam said concerning God, “He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob, neither hath he seen perverseness in Israel: the shout of a king is among them. We, as onlookers, know that Israel had done plenty against God. But one thing that they had going for them, they were doing their yearly sacrifices, and because of the blood that was covering them, God could say that he could not see iniquity in Jacob. God’s blood blinded Him to their sins.  
     I Timothy 2:8-10 says:
I will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath
And doubting.
In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with
Shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls,
Or costly array;
But which becometh women professing godliness with good works.
      Modest apparel for women means that our clothing must cover us sufficiently so others are not tempted. A man is tempted by sight, so God requires the woman to dress so that a man is not tempted when he sees her. A woman is tempted by touch, so a man is required not to touch a woman. I Cor. 7:1. In the Bible study, “Because We are His”, Bro. Raymond Woodward says, “While a woman is commanded to APPEAR a certain way so that the man is not stimulated, the man is commanded to ACT a certain way so that the woman is not stimulated.
     I have been amazed to see some Pentecostal girls and women allowing their necklines to get lower. Now that it is no longer “popular” to dress holy, how will you dress? Jesus is the standard. He is an absolute. He IS Holy. You are either moving towards His holiness or walking away from it.
There is a beautiful song written by Rodney Griffen that holds a concept that I love. The words are…
He is Loved

Verse 1
His heart was heavy in the garden, praying all alone
His closest friends had forsaken Him again
Then as the soldiers came and got Him, and pulled upon His robe
The sweetest smell reminded Him He had a friend
She’d made her way around the table, a few short days before
She’d poured the ointment out and spilled it on His clothes
She’d freely emptied out her bottle, as an offering to her Lord
So that even on the cross - He would know…..

That He was loved, He was loved
He could tell by the fragrance on His robe
When all others had forsaken, a sweet aroma let Him know
He was loved, He was loved.

Verse 2
When I live a life surrendered to Christ my risen King
When I choose what’s right, and I forsake what’s wrong
It’s an aroma to the Savior, means more than anything
The greatest gift that I could bring before the throne……To tell Him

Chorus II
He is loved, He is loved
He can tell by the fragrance ‘round the throne
When all others have forsaken, a sweet aroma lets Him know
He is loved, He is loved.

        The second verse says that when we choose what’s right and forsake what’s wrong, it lets Him know that He is loved. Remember, He is our Creator. Everything was made by Him and for Him.
     If you are struggling with holiness, tell it to Jesus. Ask Him to give you the “spirit” of holiness. He will hear you and help you.
     The greatest desire of a Holy God is to have a Holy Bride to spend eternity with Him. We are not living our lives just for this life alone. If we do what’s right, we have an eternal future to look forward to. We are living in the last days and it is no time to look back. We must keep pressing forward towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.   

Thursday, November 1, 2012

No skirting around this issue

 I would like to introduce our very first guest author.
Sister Roffie Ensey. She is the wife of  Rev. J. R. Ensey, Associate Pastor of Living Way Church in Conroe, TX. They have been married 52 years. She is mother of two, grandmother to five and great-grandmother to 10.
She has authored  two books - The Role of the Shepherdess and Through the Storm God is Faithful
Through their years in the ministry they have served as evangelist, home missionaries, official for UPCI, pastor, President and teachers at Texas Bible College. They now serve as Associate Pastor with their son in Conroe, Texas and travel.

And now, Sister Ensey....

When I first heard the title of this blog I thought of the time when our clothing designers decided we need slits in our skirts. I noticed that our teenage girls were the first to want to wear this new style. I had an everyday skirt that had about a 2” slit in it and I wore it occasionally without thinking about the example I was to the ladies in our church. However, when I realized what I was exampling to them and how it was affecting them, I made a covenant with myself that I would never again wear a skirt with a slit in it, or even an opening of any kind in the hem.
            That has been over thirty years ago and I have kept that covenant. Has it always been easy? No. Has it always been convenient? No. Isn’t it hard to find skirts without slits? Yes. But, when you understand the consequences of your example, and want to be intentionally modest you can. That is not to say those who feel comfortable wearing slits in their skirts are always immodest. Many who do wear slits make sure the slit starts below the knee.
            There are several ways to close a slit. You can pin it but that usually does not look great or stay well, sometimes causing a rip or tear in the fabric. So it is usually best to sew it up. Some skirts do not have enough fabric around the bottom to allow you to walk comfortably when you do this. So it is best to make a pleat by inserting material in the opening, which is what I usually do. If you do not sew, you can take the skirt to a tailor who will be happy to do it for you.
            Another idea is to make your own skirt.  I have done this for many, many years. This allows you to get nice material and make a skirt for very little and have more to spend on your jacket to make a very nice ensemble. 
            As the skirts get shorter and shorter, it is harder and harder to find one the length you want it to be. Some time ago I had on a skirt that was below my knees, but still a little shorter than I normally wear. An older lady (she was in her 90’s) came to me and said, “I am disappointed to see you in a skirt that short.” Really made me think about the example we should set, not just those in our age group or younger, but also older.
            Modesty is a mark of maturity and a lady who wants to be intentionally modest will maintain her modesty no matter where she is or what she is doing. We must not be influenced by the fashions of the world to the point that we get to thinking, “everybody is wearing this or that…”
G. K. Chesterton said, “Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions.”  Neither do immodest styles cease to be immodest because they become fashionable.
I challenge you to make a covenant with yourself today that you will be intentionally modest. So much so that you stand out in a crowd as a chosen one.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Preparing for Action

While we are trying to get all of the kinks worked out, I thought that I would drop this post in for the sake of those who will be doing the tutorials. We are trying to get everyone's schedule worked out, so please be patient with us. It will surely be worth it!

As I was thinking about these upcoming tutorials, I realized that some ladies may not be experienced seamstresses. (I am not either, so don't feel bad) I know that I will state some things on this post today that are obvious to the experienced, but for some of us.... Well, let's just say that I have learned many lessons the hard way, through experience. So, here goes....

If you are going to be working with fabric at all on your project, you need to follow a few very important guidelines.

First of all, choose your fabric wisely. You don't want to get your project complete only to realize that your fabric is just WRONG! For example, the fabric might look absolutely adorable in small amounts, but a whole dress out of  this...
Well, let's just say that with a rainbow wig and a handful of balloons, I would have made a great clown! What looks so cute in small amounts can be rather overwhelming in large doses. A swirling black on white might be beautiful on the bolt, but a whole blouse could make someone sitting behind you in church a little dizzy!
Also you want to make sure that the fabric that you are using is compatible with the project. Filling a slit with jersey knit might not work really well.
The wrong fabric can make or break a project! But once it is done...  Well, you have two choices, start over or live with it! Neither of which are very appealing to me.

Secondly, before you start your  project, make sure that you have enough to finish it. What does the Scripture say "For which of you, intending to build a tower {or sew a project}, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost {or the fabric}, whether he {she} have sufficient to finish it?" Let me just tell you, if you don't you will end up very discouraged! (I have experienced this more than once. Hey, they say that confession is good for the soul. Mine is going to be real healthy by the end of this post!)

Third,   before you even start cutting on the fabric, wash it! I cannot tell you the times that I have ignorantly completed a project, worn it once then washed it. Never to wear it again because it had shrunk 1-3 sizes. Ooooohhhhh! Now that is very aggravating! They put something in the fabric at the factory called sizing. I am not 100% sure what it is(maybe someone wiser can share with us what it is and what the real purpose is), but it makes it look and feel extra special on the bolt. That way you don't know what it will look like after it is washed. I think they do that to fool us or trick us into buying things that really are rather awfully wrinklable (ok, I don't think that is a word, but you get my point!). So wash it as soon as you get home, dry it and then fold it up really nice until you get to your project. IF it is really wrinkly, you will want to iron it before you do your project, because those wrinkles make a big difference in how your item will turn out in the end.

Speaking of irons.... Number four  would be, keep an iron handy at all times. Iron every seam and fold, it just makes the whole thing easier and more finished looking in the long run.

Well, that is all that I can think of right now, but those are some of the biggees that I had to learn the hard way.  Do any of you have any more tips to share? Please, share in the comment section below.

Hope that all of your projects turn out beautiful! And most of all that you enjoy being...

Intentionally Modest!

In Christ,
S. Davis

Monday, October 1, 2012

Something to think on

Right now we are in the process of scheduling our guest writers. I appreciate your patience.
We are very excited about this blog. I feel that it will be very encouraging and uplifting as well as giving all of us tips for living our modest life.

I found this excerpt the other day in a book that I was reading and thought that I would share it. It will give us something to think on for a few days.

"There is no neglect of beauty in Christianity, for God would have the daughters of Zion be beautiful. There is no commendation in scripture for an unkempt, frumpy or dowdy appearance. is a modest beauty that does not flaunt... This is a beauty which adorns itself  'In modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety'  (1 Timothy 2:9)"

Just something for us to think on and dwell on in the next few days.

We are hoping that by next week we will have our first guest post. Please be much in prayer for us and this blog as we endeavor to encourage ladies everywhere to live an intentionally modest life.

God bless,

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Modesty addressed

This is a new blog. I felt like this was something that God wanted me to start. I pray that it will be a blessing to many ladies around the world who choose a modest lifestyle.

I will not be the primary writer for this blog. I have invited some very respected ladies to write here. These are godly ladies who are wiser and more mature than myself.

Also, I will be inviting guest writers to post tutorials from time to time. All of these posts (both the articles and the tutorials) will be written prayerfully.

I hope and pray that through this blog site, many will be encouraged and inspired to live an intentionally modest life.

In Christ,



Monday, September 17, 2012

The Purpose of this Blog

The purpose of this blog is to encourage those ladies who choose to be intentionally modest; to provide resources for them to obtain the things that they need to live an intentionally modest lifestyle. This is a place to connect with others who live intentionally modest and encourage one another.

If you have a website or store which offers modesty clothing or other helps for those who choose to live an intentionally modest life, please contact us.

Along the way, we will be inviting various others to write on this blog. If you have something that you feel would be of interest please contact us.

Most of all, we hope that this will be an encouraging resource for all ladies of intentional modesty.

Thank you for visiting and may God bless you as you strive to live an intentionally modest lifestyle.