Thursday, May 16, 2013

Defining Modesty

Today we have another post from Sister Ates. To read her first post go to the end of today's article and you will find a link to the other post. And now....

     Defining Modesty
Let us look today at some definitions of Modesty. Take your time and read through them. Think on them.
These definitions come from the American Dictionary Of the English Language by Noah Webster 1828
(emphasis mine)

        1) Properly restrained by a sense of propriety; hence, not forward or bold, not presumptuous or arrogant; not boastful; as a modest youth; a modest man.
        2) Not bold or forward; as  a modest maid. The word my be thus used without reference to chastity.
                                ei. The blushing beauties of a modest maid.
        3) Not loose; not lewd.
        4)Moderate; not excessive or extreme; not extravagant; as a modest request.

        1) Not boldly; not arrogantly;with due respect.
        2)Not loosely or wantonly;decently; as to be modestly attired; to behave modestly.
        3)Not excessively; not extravagantly.

1)That lowly temper which accompanies a moderate estimate of one's own worth and importance. This temper when natural, springs in some measure from timidity, and in young and inexperienced persons, is allied to bashfulness and diffidence. In persons who have seen the world, and lost their natural timidity, modesty springs no less from principle than from feeling, and is manifested by retiring, unobtrusive manners,assuming less to itself than others are willing to yield, and conceding to others all due honor and respect, or even more than they expect or require.
2)Modest, as an act or series of acts, consists in humble, unobtrusive deportment, as opposed to extreme boldness, forwardness,arrogance, presumption, audacity or impudence. Thus we say, the petitioner urged his claims with modesty; the speaker addressed the audience with modesty.
3)Moderation; decency
4)In females, modest has the like character as in males; but the word is used also a synonymous with chastity, or purity of manners. In this sense, modesty results from purity of mind, or from the fear of disgrace and ignominy fortified by education and principle. Unaffected modesty is the sweetest charm of female excellence, the richest gem in the diadem of their honor.

1Timothy 2:9  In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;

To read our last post go here: The Beginning of Modesty

Join us next time for more from Sister Ates.....

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Modest Impressions

    I would like to introduce to you, Sis Brown. Sis Brown and her husband are evangelists based out of Tulsa, Oklahoma. And now....

First impressions leave lasting impressions

We as apostolic ladies draw attention everywhere we go. The worldly lady tries not to gawk as we walk by. How in the world do they do it is what some say. We sometimes just hurry on by thinking “great, another person staring at me”. We don’t realize that most are staring in admiration. They are constantly in a battle with each other on how few clothes they can get by with wearing in public, where as we are trying to stay covered as much as possible. They simply don’t understand. Looking at it from another point of view, what kind of impression am I leaving behind as I pass “that staring person”. Was I kind in my response or actions?

Am I presenting myself properly as Jesus would have me do?

 He said in 1Peter 3:3-4 Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.

 A revelation of holiness will give you an understanding of God’s righteousness. You become sensitive to what pleases or dipleases God. To really have an appreciation and love for holiness, we need a revelation. Holiness is MORE than a set of rules or standards that one follows in order to be holy, it is a spirit or attitude that gives you a desire to please God in every area of your life. (Some of these things were taken from a lesson my Pastor recently taught. Thank the Lord for Teaching Pastors!)

Here are a few examples of “first impression” impacts from a worldly view:
1. How do you leave a great last impression? Answer: It comes from being just as great leaving as you were coming.
2. Most fail to realize that last impressions are equally (if not more important) than 1st impressions. How you exit from an interaction determines how that person will feel about you after you part ways.
3. Imagine seeing a comedian with a “killer opener”, a couple of awesome jokes at the beginning and lackluster jokes at the end. You may like the first few jokes, but, if he is consistent you will like the comedian.
4. Did you know that within seconds of meeting someone for the first time your appearance, body language, and non-verbal communication will create a lasting 1st impression and that person will assume to know everything about you.

Wow! After reading through some of these quotes I really begin to examine myself closely in how I communicate with the cashier at Wal-Mart, the gas station clerk, the postmaster, the busy, overworked nurse in the hospital, etc…

We must not forget to treat those closest to us with the same kindness that we need to show the world. The new convert, our brothers and sisters in the Lord, backsliders,etc..

All of these things go hand in hand with each other to properly present who we are. Our hair, dress, attitude, leaves an impression. A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed.

I want to be consistent.
Smile! It may be the only one they receive today.
I want to be REAL all the time.
I want to be open and confident
I want to present myself appropriately because I am representing Jesus
What kind of impression did I make? I will never get a second chance to make a first impression. I want to do it right the first time! Everything about me should be a good reflection of God’s glorious church!

I hope this helps even just one person. I prayed about this and I felt like this is what I needed to write about. In this crazy world we are living in, people are out there searching for something, someone REAL. Why not we show them through our attitude, actions, & kindness the only REAL answer they are searching for.

Will my 1st impression leave a lasting impression on their life
God Bless you!